Changelog 2019-10-01
This snapshot contains features and maintenance items

[NEW] Follow List Editor (Forums, Threads, Users) now have "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons for easier management.
[NEW] Posts from Ignored Users will now be completely hidden, and replaced with a link to toggle its display, if the member chooses to view it.
[NEW] Posts can now be Unapproved. This is useful for when moderators want to put a post "on hold" without pausing the entire thread for everyone.
[NEW] Unapproved posts are now preceded with a notice of the post status and a link to the "CP:Approve Posts" list page. A moderator may optionally choose to edit the individual post to approve it from that page also.
[NEW] Approving and Unapproving posts are logged to the Admin Log.
[NEW] Custom Islands are now each wrapped in their own custom div ID which is based on their island number in the CP (ex: div id="island2" would target Custom Island #2. They can now easily be targeted through CSS as desired.
[NEW] UBB.threads Upgrader will now recommend that if you are using styles from an older UBB.threads install, you should replace them with their current version. An additional step can automatically add the new style versions to your forum for you. They will be installed but they will not be active until you activate them within the forum Control Panel. You may skip and continue to the next upgrade step, but it is recommended that you update your styles, fixing any display errors which were since corrected.
[NEW] Print Thread has been completely rewritten.

[UPDATE] CP: The layout of Add New Forum & Edit Forum have been updated and now match each other.
[UPDATE] CP: Adding a new forum will now have default values populated for it.
[UPDATE] CP: Content Rebuilder data blob limits have been increased to account for modern web server specifications running PHP 5.4+. This should further reduce the time needed for processing any of the rebuild actions.
[UPDATE] CP: Removed "Features > Max Width For Images Used In Posts" because the setting is obsolete. Since version 7.6.0, UBB.threads uses responsive layout based on the user's browser display width.
[UPDATE] Topic Tree for Threaded Mode display now marks the current post, and highlights any unapproved posted within the thread.
[UPDATE] Mailer has had several language strings updated and corrected.
[UPDATE] RSS feeds for single forums and multi-forum bundles have been updated.
[UPDATE] Multiple updates to common.css to further correct (reset) and define common display ground rules across the major browsers.
[UPDATE] Gallery Islands now display the gallery title and gallery author with the image thumbnail.
[UPDATE] Updated FontAwesome library from 5.10.0-11 to version 5.11.2.
[UPDATE] Updated TinyMCE from 5.0.12 to version 5.0.16.
[UPDATE] Cleanup of several language strings, templates, and CSS files.

[FIX] CP: Add New Forum will remember the Default Style you've chosen for it.
[FIX] CP: Approve Posts. Clicking on the post title now takes you directly to the post requiring approval.
[FIX] Category Titles now display within the breadcrumbs. This is in addition to the Forum Titles which are already displayed.
[FIX] New User Registration "ICQ issue" where Twitter was configured as a required field would fail to add the new registration.
[FIX] Time formats used in RSS feeds now use proper ISO-8601 format rather than a timezone abbreviation.
[FIX] Topic Tree for Threaded Mode display on mobile devices is fixed
[FIX] Creating a moved/merged pointer message when moving/merging threads no longer creates a bad URL pointer to its new location. (Thanks to Baldeagle for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] Custom Island Inserts appearing twice in Gallery Forums is fixed. (Thanks to ECNet for reporting this bug.)
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