Posted By: Bill B Session variable to connect two databases? - 10/07/2009 3:55 AM
I might have a small job for someone. I have a second MySQL membership database that people login to. Once they are validated there, what would it take for me to send them to our UBB Forum so that they don't have to log in a second time?
Posted By: Bill B Re: Session variable to connect two databases? - 01/07/2010 7:13 AM
Okay. Here it goes..... (DB = database)

DB One is MySQL. ID and passwords are stored in "open" format.
Session variable is used. This is a membership database.

DB Two is Threads MySQl db. Naturally passwords are encrypted.

So... my goal is to use "DB One" to authenticate members and then pass them to "DB Two" using the session variable (?) and possibly the member ID in order to link to their Threads account.

So.... the member ID is unique in DB One... and I assume that I need to add a new table (?) to the Threads DB to match membership to an identifier in the Forum account?

Your thoughts?
Ohh wow a lot have been changed now. It's a really too old post to reply but just for information sake
4.5.2 Creating and Configuring a New Project

Many web sites feature the facility for the user to create a user account. They can then log into the web site and enjoy a personalized experience. This requires that the developer creates database tables to store user information, along with code to gather and process this data. This represents a burden on the developer, and there is the possibility for security issues to creep into the developed code. However, ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the Membership system. This system is designed around the concept of Membership, Profile and Role Providers, which together provide all of the functionality to implement a user system, that previously would have to have been created by the developer from scratch.

Reference Link : https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-net/en/connector-net-simple-membership-tutorial-creating.html
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